A wake up call to young men and women of God

A heartfelt letter to all the young men and women of God in the body of Christ.

But the Lord said, “You have been concerned about this plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. 11 And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?”

The population of Falkirk council at the end of 2011 census was 156,000 which is slightly bigger than the size of Nineveh which had 120,000 people. God was so concerned about those people in Nineveh as they cannot tell their right hand from their left. Sadly this generation of people are even more worse spiritually speaking as they cannot differentiate between some fundamental concepts of life. This Godless generation cannot differentiate a truth and a lie, between love and lust, sin and righteousness, joys of sacrifice and pains of selfishness, life and death and the list goes on. We have lost the true meaning of love, marriage, commitment, sacrifice, joy, gender and traded with the counterfeits the god of this world has offered. We live in such a perilous times and there is a dire need for the Church/Body of Christ to rise up with utmost urgency and sincerity.

I read a news about a fire brigade in America who was fired from his job for writing a book explaining the biblical definition of marriage. Every day we read so many stories about men and women who stand for their faith and are being brought to court and punished. We have gone past the days when we were ridiculed for our values and we are now in days where we are being taken to court to face the law for standing for our values. There is so much attack against the Church today. As Jesus said “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.”. Sadly the enemy is united against this attack but we the body of Christ are divided amongst our values and commitment. Yes it is a heartbreaking truth! I have come across people who quit churches or ministry because their pastor took a wrong song selection or someone else took their seat. I have come across young men and women of God who are just spectators in their own churches and they don’t have time for God.

Young men and women of God… here is a wake up call. We all have 2 options: You can either help your church to grow amidst this rising attack or you can see your church die!  If we don’t act there will be a day when our children and grand-children will pay the price for our lack of zeal and in-ability to act. There will be a day when our children will be taken to court because they stood for their values or our children will be ashamed and afraid of standing for the biblical values as no one else believes it.  The book of Genesis says, “So the Philistines filled up all of Isaac’s wells with dirt. These were the wells that had been dug by the servants of his father, Abraham.”. Our fathers and grand-fathers have been faithful in fulfilling their calling and took us to Sunday school and church in our lifetime. But now the enemy is filling dirts in those “wells” dug by our forefathers so that there won’t be any more “wells” for our children and grand-children. The enemy is so active and coming out with all sorts of schemes against the churches every week. But in this fast paced world many people don’t even have time to get involved in their church activities. It is a race against time. If we don’t pray and act, someone else is acting against our churches every day and every week.

So what is the answer? We have a glorious and the most powerful Gospel which we cannot keep it to ourselves. We cannot be silent and do nothing. We cannot be busy with something else and expect the church to grow amidst these attacks. We are the church! If we don’t act who else will? Jeremiah said, “But if I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.”. We need to feel the fire in our bones! We need to rise up and use every opportunity that comes our way to preach the gospel. Apostle Paul was put in prison and had just a scroll and ink. But he used even that ink and scroll and started writing what God put in his heart. Did he not turn the world upside down? God has given us so many opportunities in our hands that those early christians never had. The smart phones in our hands are more powerful than the entire processing capacity of the computer that was in Apollo 11 that landed in moon! We have cars, internet, musical instruments, computers and much more. How much more we can do than those early Christians? We are not in this world forever. We have a limited time and every day and every week is important. Circumstances change around us, people get married and move to a different place, people in our lives leave to a different country for job, children grow and eventually they will leave the nest and many things are happening around us everyday. So every hour and every day is important and we need to make the best use of this time God has given to us to preach the gospel. If God can change the world upside down with handful of committed young men and women in the early church how much more can God do through us if we remain committed? All we need is to come united with a purpose to preach the gospel in season and out of season. All we need is to make ourselves available to preach the gospel. We need to put God first in our lives. God is not asking us to get flogged and be put in prison. He is asking for our time and commitment so that he can do wonders through us.

Some people might say “well I don’t have a vision from God and I don’t know what to do?”. Then go and find someone that you know to whom God has given the vision and start helping them. In due time God will make your vision clear and will start using you. Some people might say “I can’t sing or speak well and I am not qualified”. The only qualification Jesus asked to Peter was “Do you love me more than these?”. Peter was the least qualified in worldly terms as he denied the Lord and a fisherman who didn’t have any earthly qualification. If Jesus can trust Peter with his mission to carry the gospel he will trust you too. All that Jesus is asking is “Do you love me more that these?”



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