Be LED by the Spirit

The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.” Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked. Acts 8:29
One of the greatest lesson Jesus taught us is TO BE LED by the Spirit. Though he was one of the trinity he didn’t act on his own accord. Before starting his ministry he waited until he was filled with the Holy Spirit in the river Jordan. Bible records several instances when he prayed to the Father during night time and early morning. On one occasion Jesus said, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” What was Jesus doing? He was teaching us how to be led by the Holy Spirit and live our life in this earth. There is a difference between LISTENING to God “on and off” and being LED by the Holy Spirit. Most christians have an “on and off” relationship with God. It is like switching on the radio when you are in a mood to listen to a song and ignoring it other times. But we are called TO BE LED by the Spirit. It means continually living according to God’s will and doing everything with the power of the Holy Spirit. It means surrendering our will and doing what God wants to do. It means not relying on our strength but waiting on the strength of God to do it. Many great apostles and prophets in the bible were led by the Spirit to do great things. In the book of Acts, “The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.””. Imagine what if Philip was busy in browsing Facebook in his mobile phone or watching Netflix and he couldn’t hear what the Holy Spirit was saying that day? He would have completely missed the opportunity to preach the gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch! So let us learn to be led by the Spirit so that we will do the will of the Father and by the power of the Holy Spirit just like Jesus lived!